Street Fighter II ----------------- -> cheat #1 <- Start a one-player game and choose Blanka as your fighter, but don't select him yet. Now type 'PATIENCE' very slowly, if you do this right the screen will flash yellow. You can now choose any fighter, if you're fighter is going to be knocked-out just press to clear your energy meter. -> cheat #2 <- Start a two player game, and choose the characters you want to play with. If the game starts you pause the game and type '7KIDS' the screen will flash yellow. You can now go back to the character selection screen by pausing the game and pressing escape. Now you can select two identical fighters. Fighter two will be indicated by a white arrow, so you won't be confused. -> cheat #3 <- This cheat requires a second disc drive, but allows you to control on of the four baddies. Don't insert disk 2 in your second drive when loading. Play the solo game and when you fight the baddie you want to be, e.g. Vega, let yourself be killed. Now select two player mode and select E Honda for player 2. As long as player 1 doesn't select Ryu, he'll control the relevant big baddie in the contest.